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3 days ago

ZIO 2: How to read a file and write its output to the console

Reading files and processing output using ZIO 2 in Scala. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Brief Introduction to Scala

Scala is a programming language created in 2003 to address challenges in developing complex software systems efficiently.
Scala is statically-typed, supports functional and object-oriented programming, and has a rich set of libraries for building scalable applications. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Understanding Type Parameters with Upper Bounds and Context Bounds in Scala

Scala combines object-oriented and functional programming.
Type parameters in Scala can have upper bounds and context bounds for type restrictions. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Use of Underscore(_) in Scala Language.

Underscore (_) in Scala has multiple uses like wildcard pattern, ignored variable, and anonymous function.
It is used for wildcard pattern to match any value, as an ignored variable when value is not needed, and in lambda expressions as a placeholder. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Scala if then else syntax (and returning a value from an if statement)

Scala 2 and Scala 3 if/then/else syntax differences.
Scala allows if/then statements to return a value, eliminating the need for a ternary operator. [ more ]
1 month ago

Mastering Apache Spark with Scala: From Basics to Advanced Analytics

Apache Spark excels in big data challenges with in-memory computing.
Scala's features make it ideal for Spark's data processing tasks. [ more ]
1 month ago

Scala Higher-Order Functions

Functions in Scala are treated as first-class values, allowing functions to be used in a variety of contexts.
Higher-order functions in Scala can take functions as parameters, enabling functional programming concepts like function composition. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Higher Order Functions in Scala.

Functions in Scala are first-class citizens, allowing assignment, passing as arguments, and return from functions.
First-class functions enable the creation of higher-order functions, enhancing code expressiveness. [ more ]
2 months ago

Embracing functional programming in C#

Functional programming promotes readability, testability, and maintainability of software.
State mutation is a common source of bugs in software development. [ more ]
4 months ago

Functional Programming In JavaScript: Beginner's Guide

Functional programming emphasizes pure functions, immutability, and higher-order functions.
Functional programming brings benefits like readability, predictability, concurrent execution, and reusable code. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
1 year ago

How to create a compose function in TypeScript - LogRocket Blog

Composing functions in TypeScript is a core concept in functional programming that combines multiple functions into a single function that can perform any number of tasks you may require.Function composition can be implemented in many programming languages, including TypeScript.In this article, we will learn how to create typed compose and pipe functions in TypeScript and how to use these functions to perform function composition in TypeScript.
1 year ago

- Top End Devs

Lane Wagner is the founder of a startup company called Boot.dev.He teaches backend development online in Go, Python, and JavaScript.Lane joins Chuck and Steve as they talk all things Functional Programming.They also talk about its importance and share their thoughts about it.Moreover, Lane also shares his experience with creating boot.dev and the different teaching strategies he uses on his online learning platform.
Scalac - Software Development Company - Akka, Kafka, Spark, ZIO
1 month ago

Scalendar March 2024

Stay updated on software development trends and events worldwide.
Scala Conference 2024 celebrates Scala's 20th anniversary with diverse program. [ more ]
2 months ago

Tips and Trends in Scala

Scala combines object-oriented and functional programming paradigms.
Scala's integration with Java ecosystem is a key advantage. [ more ]
1 month ago

Master Scala Rest APIs in 3 Simple Concepts: Illustrated Guide with Tapir, http4s, and Circe!

Tapir, http4s, and Circe are game-changing Scala libraries for Rest APIs and SwaggerUI docs generation.
Scala ecosystem leans towards Tapir, http4s, and Circe for building backend systems due to production-ready and actively maintained status. [ more ]
1 month ago

Programming in Scala [Chapter 23]-For Expressions Revisited

Higher-order functions like map, flatMap, and filter are powerful in Scala but can complicate code readability.
For expressions in Scala simplify problem-solving by internally utilizing map, flatMap, and filter operations for optimization. [ more ]
2 months ago

The Secrets of Scala Development

Scala blends object-oriented and functional programming, ideal for web apps and big data.
Interoperability with Java, functional programming, and static typing make Scala efficient and reliable. [ more ]
2 months ago

What Is Scala? Unveiling The Power Of A Versatile Programming Language

Powerful combination of object-oriented and functional programming in Scala
Scala's rapid popularity due to expressive syntax, compatibility with Java, and strong type system. [ more ]
2 months ago

Programming in Scala as a "Better" Java

Scala is a programming language for the JVM that is both object oriented and functional.
Scala can be used as a simple OOP replacement for Java with benefits of speed and readability. [ more ]
2 months ago


Flyway is a popular Java library for handling database migrations, but it has some stylistic problems in terms of OOP paradigm.
Fly4s is a lightweight wrapper for Flyway that aims to provide pureness, resource handling, and type safety by using typelevel libraries. [ more ]
2 months ago
Web development

100% FREE "Introduction to Functional Programming" video training course (index page)

The article is promoting a free video training course on functional programming
The course is designed to be helpful for those interested in learning functional programming [ more ]
3 months ago

Exploring The Role Of Static Methods In Python: A Functional Perspective - Pybites

Static methods in Python do not require an instance or class reference and are typically used for utility functions that belong to a class but are independent of class instances.
Python's module system allows for effective namespace management and code organization, making it a viable alternative to static methods in certain scenarios. [ more ]
1 year ago

Functional Programming and Finite State Automata (FSA)

When I talk about functional programming in Python, folks like to look for place where functional programming isn't appropriate.They latch onto finite-state automata (FSA) because "state" of an automata doesn't seem to fit with stateless objects used in functional programming.This is a false dichotomy.
3 months ago

How I used Scala CLI to delete annoying unread emails from my gmail inbox

Install Scala CLI and create a single file Scala script.
The script uses Google APIs to interact with Gmail and delete unread emails. [ more ]
3 months ago

Free "Introduction to Functional Programming" video training course: January 21, 2024

12 new lessons released
Final lessons to include ZIO code [ more ]
3 months ago

My free Scala and FP training videos

The training videos are 100% free with no ads or paywalls.
More free Scala and functional programming video courses will be added in the future. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago

Exploring Effect, a meta-state RxJS-like framework - LogRocket Blog

Effect is a functional library for managing side effects in TypeScript.
Effect helps with handling async operations, concurrency, and reactivity while maintaining type safety. [ more ]
3 months ago

Eugenio Moggi, monads, and functional programming

Moggi's work on monads introduced a foundational concept for functional programming.
Monads provide a way to structure and control computational effects in a pure and compositional way. [ more ]
3 months ago

Comparing Scala, Java, Kotlin, and Go: A Comprehensive Overview

1. JVM languages like Scala, Java, and Kotlin share some underlying mechanics and support OOP principles.
2. Scala integrates both object-oriented and functional programming paradigms, while Java and Kotlin have a similar syntax but with additional features like null safety and extension functions. [ more ]
3 months ago

Etcher 1.0.0: A flexible configuration loader and transformer.

Etcher gem 1.0.0 release
Flexible, customizable, and fault-tolerant design [ more ]
5 months ago

Great 2023 holiday programming gift book (for Java/Kotlin/OOP developers)

The book 'Learn Functional Programming The Fast Way!' has been reduced to $20 for the holidays.
It is written for Java, Kotlin, and object-oriented programming (OOP) developers. [ more ]
10 months ago

May 30, 2023: New release of Functional Programming, Simplified

1. Functional programming is an important and powerful concept that can simplify software development.
2. Functional Programming Simplified by Alvin Alexander is a comprehensive guide to mastering the fundamentals of functional programming.
3. The book is available for free as a PDF, making it a great resource for anyone looking to learn functional programming. [ more ]
11 months ago

Authentication and Authorization in NestJS

NestJS Nest is a framework for building efficient, scalable Node.js server-side applications.It uses modern JavaScript, is built with TypeScript (preserves compatibility with pure JavaScript) and combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), FP (Functional Programming), and FRP (Functional Reactive Programming).
1 year ago

Want to See the True Power of React HOCs? Try This

As the application grows, new changes and features are added.
Use them to compose new apps and experiences faster.
1 year ago

JavaScript Under The Hood: Advanced Concepts Developers Should Know

Have you ever wondered what happens inside the JavaScript engine when you execute your code?
It's pretty interesting!
Currently, it's 2022.JavaScript has taken over the internet.
Dmitri Pavlutin Blog
11 months ago

Pure Functions in JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide

A function is a reusable block of code that accepts arguments and returns a computed value.A pure function always returns the same value given the same arguments and produces no side effects.Let's see in more detail what are pure functions and why they are useful.Before I go on, let me recommend something to you.
1 year ago

What is Purity in JavaScript and Why Does It Matter?

The process of studying JavaScript usually begins in a very practical way.From declaring variables to understanding the hell of Asynchronous JavaScript, the more theoretical concepts get left out.And this gap starts to get annoying when you get into deeper topics.With this in mind, let's start by explaining some of the more theoretical (and even philosophical) concepts of Modern JavaScript, starting with purity.
James Sinclair
1 year ago

What if the team assumes my functional JavaScript is slow?

Suppose you start introducing some functional flavour into your code.And, you like it.The code is more expressive.It's easier to test.It's easier to pull apart and reconfigure.On several measures, it's better code than you used to write.There's a problem, though.The team have been communicating, with not-so-subtle hints, that they don't like it.
1 year ago

Using functional programming to improve a Scala method

* If the AppleScript command blows up, this method returns a Failure[Throwable].
As a benefit, it will make you think twice about writing a method with side effects, and it will also make methods that have side effects easier to find.
1 year ago

Learn Functional Programming The Fast Way! (new book cover)

I decided to rename my book, Learn Functional Programming Without Fear to Learn Functional Programming The Fast Way! because (a) I think it's more reflective of today's world, and (b) it's consistent with my other book, Learn Scala 3 The Fast Way!.
LogRocket Blog
1 year ago

How to define higher-order functions in Rust - LogRocket Blog

Higher-order functions (HOFs) are functions whose parameters and/or return values are functions themselves.In other words, if a language supports higher-order functions, then we say that these functions are first-class citizens, that is they are values.In this article, we'll investigate how Rust supports higher-order functions and how we can define them.
1 year ago

A Scala Adler-32 checksum algorithm

While fooling around recently with various computer programming algorithms, I ended up writing an implementation of the Adler-32 checksum algorithm in Scala.There isn't too much to say about it, other than I hope I got it right.My results for the simple test below matched the results shown on the Adler-32 Wikipedia page, so that's encouraging.
1 year ago

GitHub - xeitojs/xeito: Xeito is a framework for building interactive web applications with Typescript and Tagged Template Literals.

Harness the power of the web.Typescript framework for building web applications.Xeito is a framework for building efficient, scalable web applications using Typescript.It combines some of the best features of Angular, Vue, React and Svelte to provide you with amazing tools to build your next web application.
1 year ago

Integrating Java APIs with Cats Effect

Cats Effect is an excellent and performant framework for doing asynchronous computations in a functional manner.It provides an IO monadic datatype for controlling the actions of your application.Effects wrapped in instances of the IO monad are lazily evaluated.They can be conveniently composed together with the flatMap function creating bigger programs and then evaluated in a resource-safe runtime.
1 year ago

A Guide to Monads in JavaScript

In this series of blogs I'll try my best to walk you through the Monads basics & implementations, So stay tuned for the next part!Now, without further ado, let's understand what a Monad is!
Monad is a design pattern used to describe computations as a series of steps.With monads, we can define a pipeline, a series of computational steps, that allow us to reuse more of our code, to write it in terms of highly composable parts.
OpenReplay Blog
1 year ago

FOREVER FUNCTIONAL--Working with functions... but partially!

In our previous article on currying we discussed an important functional programming technique that lets you fix parameters of a function, in a specific way.
1 year ago

Mastering Advanced JavaScript Functions: Closures, Currying, and Higher-Order Functions

JavaScript functions are a crucial part of the language, allowing developers to write reusable and modular code.However, there are some advanced concepts related to functions that may not be familiar to all developers.In this article, we'll explore some of the most powerful and advanced features of JavaScript functions, including closures, currying, and higher-order functions.
1 year ago

Redux & State Management Basics

Let's make sharing state easy!Redux is a state management library that is used to manage the state of an application.It provides a predictable and centralized way to manage the state of an application, making it easier to debug and reason about.Redux is not a standalone library; it is often used with React and other libraries to build complex applications.
1 year ago

7 JavaScript Tricks You Should Know

JavaScript is a popular programming language that is widely used for front-end web development, server-side scripting, and creating mobile and desktop applications.It is a powerful language that offers many features and capabilities, including object-oriented programming, event-driven programming, and functional programming.
1 year ago

Become an affiliate for Alvin Alexander's books

If you like my books and want to earn a little extra income, I just started using the Gumroad "affiliates" program.Just sign up with Gumroad, link to one or more books, then hopefully make some sales and earn a little extra money.I'm starting with a 30% commission, so if you sell a $10 book like Learn Scala 3 The Fast Way! you'll earn $3, and if you sell a $20 book like Functional Programming, Simplified: Updated for Scala 3, you'll earn $6 (USD).
1 year ago

My LaTeX cheatsheet for writing a computer programming book

By Alvin Alexander.Last updated: January 22, 2023

I'm currently writing my new book, Functional Programming, Simplified (Updated for Scala 3) directly in LaTeX, and this is my "LaTeX cheatsheet" that I keep open all the time so I can copy and paste the LaTeX stuff I need while I write.Note that I don't use any LaTeX formula stuff, so most of this is pretty basic LaTeX stuff, though there are a few custom commands/functions that probably won't make sense to anyone unless I share some more details.
1 year ago

Learning Recursion: A free booklet, by Alvin Alexander

As a brief note today, I just released the first version of a new, free booklet that I've titled Learning Recursion.Free download
This booklet is based on the recursion lessons in my new book, Functional Programming, Simplified: Updated for Scala 3. If you've already purchased that book, there's no need to download this booklet, unless you'd like these lessons available in this separate booklet.
1 year ago

Scala: How to convert a String to an Int (Integer)

Scala FAQ: How do I convert a String to Int in Scala?Solution: Use 'toInt'
If you need to convert a String to an Int in Scala, use the toInt method, which is available on String objects, like this:

scala>val i = "1".toInti: Int = 1
As you can see, I just cast the string "1" to an Int object using the toInt method, which is available to any String.
1 year ago

A Scala "fold left" function written using recursion

As a brief note, here's some Scala source code that shows how to write a fold left ( foldLeft) function using recursion:

// scala 2

object FoldLeft extends App {

val a = List(1,2,3,4)

def add(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b


def foldLeft(lastResult: Int)(list: List[Int])(f: (Int, Int) => Int): Int = list match {
case Nil => lastResult
case x :: xs => {
val result = f(lastResult, x)
println(s"last: $lastResult, x: $x, result = $result")

The output of this example code looks like this:

last: 0, x: 1, result = 1
last: 1, x: 2, result = 3
last: 3, x: 3, result = 6
last: 6, x: 4, result = 10
I'll explain this code in my new book on functional programming, but for the moment I'm just sharing the code here in case anyone wants/needs to see how to do this.
1 year ago
Data science

First Speakers Announced for the Data Engineering Summit on Jan 18

In just a few weeks, ODSC and Ai+ Training's Data Engineering Live Summit will arrive.This fully virtual event on January 18th is where you'll want to be to get the latest and greatest when it comes to data engineering.After reviewing our list of speakers, the team's excited about the content that you'll get to enjoy.
1 year ago

Patreon page to support Alvin Alexander's writing

As you might guess from looking at this collection of book covers, I LOVE writing about things like Scala and functional programming, but it pays about 1/10th of what programming does.To try to make it affordable to stay in the writing business, I've created this Patreon page.Any support is greatly appreciated!
1 year ago

Combining the best of FP and OOP with Scala

I like what John De Goes shares in this talk about how to combine the best of FP & OOP.The "best of" portion of the talk starts about 36 minutes into the talk, which is where that link starts.FWIW, I share almost all of the same information in my book, Functional Programming, Simplified, though I will admit that I probably don't articulate it quite as well as his speech.
James Sinclair
1 year ago

A Skeptic's Guide to Functional Programming with JavaScript

What if the team hates my functional code?So you learned some functional programming.And it's glorious!Your JavaScript is cleaner; more concise; elegant.It feels solid.You can't wait to share it with the team.So you throw up a PR and wait for the comments to come in; eager to hear what they think.And those comments come in all right.
1 year ago

A Scala "functional programming style" To-Do List application

Back when I was writing Functional Programming, Simplified I started to write a little Scala/FP "To-Do List" application that you can run from the command line, based on a similar application in the Learn You A Haskell For Great Good book.For reasons I don't remember, I decided not to include it in the book, and forgot about it until I started using GraalVM ("Graal") recently.
1 year ago
Software development

Meta met a programming language it likes better than Java

Meta, parent of Facebook, is in the midst of migrating its Android app Java code to Kotlin, a younger programming language that also relies on the Java Virtual Machine, or JVM.Created by software tool maker JetBrains, Kotlin debuted in 2011 and by 2016 had reached its 1.0 release.The following year, it was adopted by Google as a first-class (supported) language for Android development and was put under the management of its own foundation, funded by JetBrains and Google.
1 year ago

Scala: Examples of for-expressions being converted to map and flatMap

Without much explanation, here are a couple of source code examples from my book, Functional Programming, Simplified (in Scala).
1 year ago

Futureboard, a Flipboard-like Scala Futures demo

I'll write more about this shortly, but yesterday I created a little video of a demo application I call Futureboard.
1 year ago

Scala: A Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculator written with foldLeft

That code also works, but whether it's readable is subject to debate (depending on your experience with Scala, functional programming, the foldLeft method, your brain, and other factors).
1 year ago

How to execute AppleScript from a Java or Scala application

If you ever need to execute AppleScript from a Java or Scala application, this code shows how to solve the programming part of this problem.Given an AppleScript command as a Scala multiline string, like this:

// press the `fn` key twice
val asCommand = """
tell application "System Events"
   key code 63
   key code 63
end tell

you can execute that command by calling this executeAppleScriptCommand method:

val succeeded = executeAppleScriptCommand(asCommand)

whose source code is shown here:

* Executes the AppleScript command you supply as a String.
1 year ago

A simple Scala Quicklens example (functional programming, lenses)

I may explain this more in the future, but for now, here's some source code for an example of how to use Quicklens in a Scala functional programming project.
Given some model/ADT definitions like this:
1 year ago

Simple Scala recursion examples (recursive programming)

Therefore I'll just show the following code without discussing it: package recursion import scala.annotation.tailrec
/** * The `fibHelper` code comes from this url: rosettacode.org/wiki/Fibonacci_sequence#Scala
1 year ago

An example of using enums in Scala 3 (Dotty)

Here's a quick example of how to use Scala 3 ( Dotty) enums, including using them as constructor and method parameters, and in a match expression.
1 year ago

Laminar 102: A reactive "Hello, world" example

In my first Laminar tutorial I showed how to set up a Scala sbt project to use Laminar, and then showed a "static" example - i.e., there were no moving parts.
1 year ago

Simple FP book: No monads. No monoids. No category theory. Just FP code.

How about a simple functional programming book written with this style: No monads.No monoids.No category theory.Just some Java & Scala code.Robert Martin's tweet about writing a new simple functional programming book (in Clojure) was shared with me here, and I like his initial wording on not worrying about monads, monoids, functors, and category theory.
1 year ago

For OOP developers: The smallest, simplest functional programming book

Some of the books on the right side of this image are amazing, and I would never discourage anyone from reading the great ones.But if you're an object-oriented programming (OOP) developer who wants to start understanding functional programming (FP) over a weekend, that's the goal of the new little book on the left: Learn Functional Programming Without Fear.
LogRocket Blog
1 year ago

Write fewer tests by creating better TypeScript types - LogRocket Blog

Every line of code you write carries the requirement of maintenance through the lifetime of an application.The more lines of code you have, the more maintenance is required, and the more code you have to change as the application adapts to the evolving requirements.Unfortunately, popular wisdom decrees that we need more test code than application code.
1 year ago

Functional programming: The fastest way to learn it

Alternate titles for my book, Learn Functional Programming Without Fear, are, the fastest way to learn functional programming and learn functional programming the fast way.That's because I found out - almost by accident - that the fastest way to learn FP goes like this:

     Start with an OOP foundation, like using Java, Kotlin, and other OOP languages
     Take a look at how you write methods in OOP languages
     Then look at how to solve problems using pure functions and data types
     Add in immutable (algebraic) variables
     Then add in immutable data structures
     Lastly, add in functional error-handling using Scala's Option, Try, and Either data types

As I show in Learn Functional Programming Without Fear, if you follow this "OOP to FP" journey correctly, you'll now be ready to use Scala/FP libraries like ZIO and Cats Effect.
1 year ago

50% off discount code for "Functional Programming, Simplified"

If you've been waiting for a coupon or discount to learn functional programming, today may be your lucky day.I just created a 50% off discount code for the PDF version of "Functional Programming, Simplified" (a best-selling, highly-rated book about functional programming in Scala).But hurry, because the discount is limited to the first 100 buyers.
1 year ago

Best FP book for OOP, Java, and Kotlin developers?

October, 2022: I just released my new book, "(Almost) Functional Programming," and I think it's going to be a terrific book for all OOP developers, especially Java and Kotlin developers.
1 year ago

(Almost) Functional Programming

Dateline October 17, 2022: Today I'm proud to announce the initial release of my new book, (Almost) Functional Programming:
A little book, a big goal
1 year ago

Scala: Handling nested Options with flatMap and for

Summary: In this article I show two ways to extract information from nested optional fields in your Scala domain models.
1 year ago

Notes from Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling

I'm a big fan of the book, Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling, and these are some of my notes ("CliffsNotes") from the book, most of them coming from the first chapter.
1 year ago

How to add elements to a List in Scala (List, ListBuffer)

Scala List FAQ: How do I add elements to a Scala List?
1 year ago

The three principles of functional programming

As an example, here are the "three principles of functional programming," from this tweet:
Orthogonal composability 2.Maximum polymorphism 3.Maximum deferment
Conversely, here are the "three pillars of functional programming," from Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling:
Referential transparency 2.Substitution model 3.Equational reasoning
When I started learning FP (and later took two years to write Functional Programming, Simplified) I was surprised there wasn't a single accepted definition of functional programming.
1 year ago

My video on Expression-Oriented Programming (EOP)

Based on my two books, Learn Scala 3 The Fast Way and Functional Programming, Simplified, here's my video on Expression-Oriented Programming (EOP) in Scala:
(And here's a direct link to the video.)
1 year ago

- Top End Devs

02:20 - Introducing Tobias Bosch
03:40 - What does the Compiler do?
05:00 - Compiling in Angular 2
09:15 - Loading templates after using an Angular 2.0 Compiler
1 year ago

Processing Arrays non-destructively: `for-of` vs. `.reduce()` vs. `.flatMap()`

In this blog post, we look at three ways of processing Arrays:
We use each of these constructs to implement the following functionality:
1 year ago

Scala List class examples: range, fill, tabulate, appending, foreach, more ...

Scala List FAQ: Can you share some Scala List class examples?
The Scala List class may be the most commonly used data structure in Scala applications.
2 years ago

SALE: Functional Programming, Simplified

Half of my DNA is Assyrian, and I just learned that the Assyrian New Year is April 1st, so to celebrate that I've reduced the price of both the Print and Kindle versions of my book, Functional Programming, Simplified.
4 months ago

Functional Containers Summary: Functor vs Applicative vs Monad

Functors represent mapping between categories, can be viewed as util class for mapping over values, prevalent in functional languages like Scala and Haskell.
Applicatives generalize Functors, operate not just on values but also on functions within a context, less powerful than Monads but more versatile. [ more ]
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