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Above the Law
1 month ago

Judges Boycotting Law Schools? Actually, That's Just Clerkship Hiring.

The misuse of power by judges in boycotting Columbia University law graduates undermines judicial neutrality and public trust. [ more ]
6 minutes ago
Remote teams

Major Bank Fires Employees for Pretending to Work via "Simulation of Keyboard Activity"

The future of work does not involve clever hacks to simulate productivity.
The pandemic led to an increase in the use of mouse-wiggling tools for remote workers. [ more ]
Tom's Guide
3 days ago
Remote teams

Wells Fargo fires over a dozen employees for faking mouse movements

Wells Fargo fired employees for simulating work using 'mouse jiggler' tools. [ more ]
3 days ago
Remote teams

Wells Fargo Reportedly Fired Employees for Faking Work | Entrepreneur

Employees were fired for faking keyboard activity while working from home or in a hybrid setting. [ more ]
4 days ago

Wells Fargo fired a dozen people accused of faking keyboard strokes

The pandemic has shifted work norms, but some companies struggle with monitoring remote employees' productivity. [ more ]
6 minutes ago
Remote teams

Major Bank Fires Employees for Pretending to Work via "Simulation of Keyboard Activity"

The future of work does not involve clever hacks to simulate productivity.
The pandemic led to an increase in the use of mouse-wiggling tools for remote workers. [ more ]
Tom's Guide
3 days ago
Remote teams

Wells Fargo fires over a dozen employees for faking mouse movements

Wells Fargo fired employees for simulating work using 'mouse jiggler' tools. [ more ]
3 days ago
Remote teams

Wells Fargo Reportedly Fired Employees for Faking Work | Entrepreneur

Employees were fired for faking keyboard activity while working from home or in a hybrid setting. [ more ]
4 days ago

Wells Fargo fired a dozen people accused of faking keyboard strokes

The pandemic has shifted work norms, but some companies struggle with monitoring remote employees' productivity. [ more ]
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