Loom with a view: Lancashire's old cotton mills in picturesDaniel Meadows captured the essence of Lancashire's cotton mills before their demise, documenting workers' lives and practices critical to textile production.
12 Silk Sheets Sets For A Truly Luxurious Night's SleepSilk sheet quality is measured by momme, not thread count; higher momme indicates better quality.
Canada is not for sale': Trump's threats of annexation and tariffs stoke Canadian patriotismA surge in Canadian nationalism has led to the production of caps proclaiming 'Canada is Not for Sale', responding to concerns about American influence.
Over the moon: Billie Eilish sports 188-year-old Yorkshire wool brand at GrammysMoon, a historic woollen mill, continues to thrive despite perceptions of a dying industry, thanks to global collaborations.
Modern cotton slaves in 18 countries work for large textile companies and many of them are childrenThe report reveals widespread forced labor and child exploitation in cotton farms in India, linked to major textile suppliers.Brands like Inditex and H&M are responding to the findings by reviewing their supply chains due to human rights concerns.
Vintage photos show how dangerous railways, mills, and other workplaces used to beRailroad workers faced extreme dangers in early 1900s, with significant fatalities due to accidents and unsafe labor practices.The Industrial Revolution brought women and children into labor-intensive textile jobs, reshaping their roles in society.
Modern cotton slaves in 18 countries work for large textile companies and many of them are childrenThe report reveals widespread forced labor and child exploitation in cotton farms in India, linked to major textile suppliers.Brands like Inditex and H&M are responding to the findings by reviewing their supply chains due to human rights concerns.
Vintage photos show how dangerous railways, mills, and other workplaces used to beRailroad workers faced extreme dangers in early 1900s, with significant fatalities due to accidents and unsafe labor practices.The Industrial Revolution brought women and children into labor-intensive textile jobs, reshaping their roles in society.
Seed capital fund opens for third year to boost the UK's colouration industryThe Dyers' Company is continuing its commitment to supporting innovation in the colour and dyeing sector with seed funding for entrepreneurs.
The Mayoral New Warehouse Logistics Center / System ArquitecturaThe new building's design integrates with the existing warehouse using curved facades to address height differences, employing a textile language in its architecture.
Women in Indonesia's textile industry seek more rights DW 12/05/2024Indonesia faces challenges with exploitation and gender-based violence against female textile workers, despite being a major garment producer.
3 ways fast fashion takes a costly toll on the planetFast fashion promotes overconsumption through rapid production cycles, low-quality clothing, and significant environmental harm.
Embracing pivots: insights from a nanotech startup founderStartups often need to adapt their business models to solve unexpected problems.Gelatex shifted from a fashion industry focus to advanced materials through innovation.
Clothes piling up in your closet? A landmark California bill would mandate brands recycle themCalifornia's Responsible Textile Recovery Act shifts recycling responsibility from consumers to clothing producers, addressing the textile waste crisis.
heimtextil trends 25/26 weaves the future of textile industry reinterpreting traditionThe Heimtextil Trends 25/26 will emphasize the connection between tradition and modern technology, showcasing sustainability innovations.
Roll, don't fold: the seven rules for looking after your linenLinen is a versatile, elegant, breathable fabric with sustainability credentials that can last a long time if cared for properly.
3 ways fast fashion takes a costly toll on the planetFast fashion promotes overconsumption through rapid production cycles, low-quality clothing, and significant environmental harm.
Embracing pivots: insights from a nanotech startup founderStartups often need to adapt their business models to solve unexpected problems.Gelatex shifted from a fashion industry focus to advanced materials through innovation.
Clothes piling up in your closet? A landmark California bill would mandate brands recycle themCalifornia's Responsible Textile Recovery Act shifts recycling responsibility from consumers to clothing producers, addressing the textile waste crisis.
heimtextil trends 25/26 weaves the future of textile industry reinterpreting traditionThe Heimtextil Trends 25/26 will emphasize the connection between tradition and modern technology, showcasing sustainability innovations.
Roll, don't fold: the seven rules for looking after your linenLinen is a versatile, elegant, breathable fabric with sustainability credentials that can last a long time if cared for properly.
Tim Dunn's podcast takes a look at the London Overground's Weaver lineThe final episode of 'Mind the Gap' podcast explores the history of the London Overground's Weaver line and its connection to east London's textile industry.
Revisited - Bangladesh, a young nation embracing globalisationBangladesh gained independence from Pakistan 53 years ago after a war resulting in 3 million deaths.Bangladesh has become a dynamic economy, particularly due to its thriving textile industry, making it the world's second-largest clothing exporter.