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Mail Online
1 month ago
Mental health

Facial expressions are more effective than dirty talk, scientists say

Facial expressions and body language are favored for enhancing sexual experiences over verbal communication. [ more ]
4 months ago
Digital life

Do Women Actually Care About Size In Bed?

Women do not necessarily believe that only a bigger penis can satisfy them.
The preference for penis size varies among individuals and is not universally based on larger size. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
6 months ago

I Need Something Very Specific to Get Off. Most Men Can't Give It to Me.

The letter writer is struggling to reach orgasm during casual hookups and is seeking advice on how to address the issue.
The letter writer wants to experience casual dating but has difficulty achieving orgasm with partners.
The letter writer is hesitant to discuss their difficulty reaching orgasm with new partners for fear of embarrassment. [ more ]
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