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Irish Independent
1 month ago
New York City

Lawyers for Dublin firefighter charged with Boston rape say he 'panicked' and boarded plane home

Terence Crosbie arrested at Logan Airport before scheduled flight, but denied fleeing; facing rape charges; seeking additional evidence for defense. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
New York City

NY high school volleyball coach accused of raping student-athlete, 15, takes own life by walking in front of LIRR train

Former high school volleyball coach Jason Maser died by suicide by stepping in front of a moving Long Island Rail Road train after facing rape charges.
Maser faced third-degree rape and criminal sex act charges related to the abuse of a 15-year-old girl. [ more ]
Washington Post
5 months ago
US news

Sarasota police won't charge Christian Ziegler with sexual assault

Sarasota police will not file rape charges against Christian Ziegler, former Florida Republican Party leader, after determining that the sexual encounter was likely consensual.
However, Ziegler now faces allegations of video voyeurism for recording the encounter without the woman's consent. [ more ]
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