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Ars Technica
1 month ago

Non-invasive zaps to the spinal cord can treat paralysis-but no one knows why

Patients with tetraplegia can regain hand and arm function with non-invasive electrical stimulation therapy, potentially offering life-changing improvements. [ more ]
4 months ago
Mental health

Reboot Your Mind and Your Life

Soft Reboot Wellness offers evidence-based ketamine therapy for mental health
Ketamine therapy can help with a range of conditions and supports personal growth [ more ]
6 months ago

How to Survive 'Quitter's Day' with Science-Based Tactics | Entrepreneur

Quitter's Day, the second Friday in January, is a critical juncture where many individuals abandon their New Year's resolutions.
Understanding the science behind habit formation and neuroplasticity can help individuals stick to their goals and overcome Quitter's Day. [ more ]
6 months ago
Mental health

This Party Drug Completely Restructures The Brain's Dopamine System, Scientists Find

Ketamine is being studied for its potential to treat psychiatric disorders by rewiring and healing the brain through its effects on neural connectivity.
Researchers at Columbia University found that after 10 days of repeated ketamine administration, widespread structural changes occurred in the brain's dopamine system. [ more ]
6 months ago
Mental health

Why Do We Dream? Maybe to Ensure We Can Literally 'See' the World upon Awakening

The purpose of dreams is still not fully understood, but theories suggest they help with emotions, problem-solving, and protecting visual areas of the brain.
Dreams can serve as a way for the brain to reorganize itself and adapt to changes, such as the loss of a sense. [ more ]
Irish Independent
2 weeks ago
OMG science

'Manifesting is science not magic' - Irish neuroscientist Dr Sabina Brennan on how we can rewire our brains to help achieve goals

Manifesting can be an active practice that involves using neuroplasticity to shape our reality. [ more ]
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