5 Reasons to Go to the ChiropractorChiropractic care is essential for overall wellness and offers holistic solutions for pain relief without medication.
Attitude Is (Not Always) a ChoiceOur nervous systems react similarly to both perceived and actual threats, limiting our capacity for choice-making.
Comb jellies fuse together when injured, study findsComb jellies can heal and fuse when injured, demonstrating remarkable regenerative abilities that offer insights into their nervous systems.
Comb jellies can fuse to heal injuriesCtenophores can fuse, synchronizing their nerve and muscle systems, but retain independent digestive functions.
Comb jellies fuse together when injured, study findsComb jellies can heal and fuse when injured, demonstrating remarkable regenerative abilities that offer insights into their nervous systems.
Comb jellies can fuse to heal injuriesCtenophores can fuse, synchronizing their nerve and muscle systems, but retain independent digestive functions.
How to Safely Connect With OthersSelf-awareness of the nervous system is essential for maintaining secure relationships during challenges.
The 3 Most Common Relationship Patterns and How to Break ThemDestructive relationship patterns can escalate if not addressed, emphasizing the need for clear communication to foster connection.
How to Safely Connect With OthersSelf-awareness of the nervous system is essential for maintaining secure relationships during challenges.
The 3 Most Common Relationship Patterns and How to Break ThemDestructive relationship patterns can escalate if not addressed, emphasizing the need for clear communication to foster connection.
The fly connectome reveals a path to the effectome - NatureA new statistical and experimental strategy enhances the learning of causal models in neural activity, particularly using optogenetic stimulation.
3 Ways to Regulate the Nervous SystemBiofeedback helps individuals understand and regulate their nervous system to improve emotional and physiological responses.
Webinar: Neuroimmune Mechanisms Linking Inflammatory Processes with Cognitive, Social, and Affective FunctionsImmune system activation, particularly neuroinflammation, impacts cognitive and emotional processing in the brain.
The nature of a starfish: a disembodied head walking about on its lips' | Helen SullivanStarfish uniquely differ from fish, possessing distinctive feeding and movement abilities.Their decentralized nervous system allows independent yet coordinated movement.Starfish have a fascinating evolutionary connection with humans.