paola pivi flips helicopter upside down inside 17th-century church in cremona, italy

In her latest installation titled 'A Helicopter Upside Down' at the deconsecrated Church of San Carlo in Cremona, Paola Pivi creatively inverts an Agusta 109 helicopter, challenging viewer perceptions. This large-scale work juxtaposes the once-ritualistic space with a surreal object, crafting a visual dialogue that evokes unexpected reflections on stillness and motion. Pivi continues to explore themes of displacement and inversion, following her tradition of redefining ordinary objects, fostering a fresh engagement between structure and viewers. The installation invites a reexamination of expectations surrounding control and gravity in a strikingly transformed environment.
Pivi's installation challenges viewers' expectations, creating visual tension between the helicopter's imposing presence and its newfound stillness inside the deconsecrated church.
The inverted helicopter transforms San Carlo's baroque interiors, highlighting the paradox of a machine suspended in inertia, inviting visitors to reconsider control and gravity.
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