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jQuery Script
23 hours ago

Zoom Images On Click/Tap - image-zoom.js

A lightweight (1.8kb minified) and easy jQuery image zoom plugin that enables the visitor to zoom in/out images with mouse and touch events.
jQuery Script
1 day ago

0.2kb Equal Height Plugin In jQuery - Uniform

Uniform plugin creates equal height columns by setting the tallest element's height to other elements with data-uniform="true". [ more ]
jQuery Script
1 week ago

Highlight Text In Contenteditable Elements With simpleHighlightTextarea jQuery Plugin

simpleHighlightTextarea allows for text highlighting in contenteditable elements using custom colors, enhancing user focus on specific text. [ more ]
1 week ago

Product Grid Style 297

Web Design Trends in 2022 [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Product Grid Style 296

Enhancing user experience with advanced web design features.
Utilizing a variety of interactive elements for website development. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Product Grid Style 295

Online tutorials often use projects to demonstrate coding techniques and tools.
Trial and error approaches in coding help in finding solutions and enhancing learning. [ more ]
jQuery Script
4 weeks ago

Responsive Lightbox Slider For The Web - jQuery imagesSlider

imagesSlider is a lightweight jQuery plugin for responsive lightbox sliders.
It uses CSS flexbox for responsiveness and jQuery fade functions for smooth transitions. [ more ]
jQuery Script
2 months ago

3-state jQuery Table Sorting Plugin - tablesort3s

tablesort3s is a small jQuery plugin that adds 3-state sorting functionality to HTML tables.
It allows you to sort multi-column tables without refreshing the page. [ more ]
jQuery Script
2 months ago

Minimal Toast Notification Plugin For Bootstrap - jQuery Bootoast

Bootoast is a jQuery plugin that uses Bootstrap alerts to create toast messages.
Some of the key features of Bootoast include custom themes, positions, and notification icons. [ more ]
jQuery Script
2 months ago

Store Form Fields In Session Storage - form-saver

form-saver is a jQuery/JavaScript plugin that stores form changed fields in local storage.
The plugin loops through form fields with name/id attributes and populates them with saved data. [ more ]
jQuery Script
2 months ago

Dynamic Tree View Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap

The jQuery treeview plugin helps render a dynamic hierarchical tree from a JSON schema.
The plugin has been rewritten in TypeScript and supports the latest Bootstrap 5 framework. [ more ]
2 months ago

jQuery append() Method

Insert content at the end of all elements:
$("button").click(function(){ $("p").append("Appended text"); });
Try it Yourself "
Definition and Usage
2 months ago

How to read write and delete cookies in jQuery ? - GeeksforGeeks

In this article, we will learn how to read, write and delete cookies in jQuery.This can be done using the cookie() and removeCookie() methods of the jquery-cookie library.
2 months ago

jQuery ajax() Method

The ajax() method is used to perform an AJAX (asynchronous HTTP) request.
All jQuery AJAX methods use the ajax() method.
Toptal Engineering Blog
2 months ago

The 10 Most Common JavaScript Issues Developers Face | Toptal

Today, JavaScript is at the core of virtually all modern web applications.That's why JavaScript issues, and finding the mistakes that cause them, are at the forefront for web developers.
2 months ago

How to read XML in JavaScript using jQuery|Ajax

Interactive Communication with XML file using AJAX
The jQuery JavaScript library is best known for its use working with HTML, but you can also use it to process XML.
2 months ago

7 Best Frontend Frameworks That Accelerate Pace of Web Development

They say one should use the correct ingredient to create the perfect taste.This is especially true for businesses that aim to keep users engaged with the solution they develop.
2 months ago

Just jQuery The Core UI - Data

There are some hidden aspects of using jQuery and its data manipulation functions represent buried treasure.
jQuery Script
2 months ago

Add Smooth Fade & Slide Effects To Elements With FadeScroll.js

Fade Scroll.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that adds fade and slide effects to elements as they scroll into view.
The plugin supports fading in from the top, bottom, left, or right, allowing for smooth transitions and enhanced scrolling. [ more ]
jQuery Script
2 months ago

Mobile First Content Slider - ItemSlide.js

A flexible, responsive carousel/slider jQuery plugin which allows to scroll/swipe through a set of elements using mouse drag or touch gestures.
jQuery Script
3 months ago

Simple Yet Robust Scrollbar Plugin - jQuery sScrollBar

Simple Scroll bar is a jQuery plugin that provides a customizable scrollbar for scrollable elements.
The plugin supports both horizontal and vertical scrollbars, and automatically adjusts to responsive layouts. [ more ]
jQuery Script
3 months ago

Easy Autocomplete Management With jQuery - kompleter

kompleter is an autocomplete management plugin that displays suggestions from a data provider while typing.
It can be easily implemented by adding the necessary stylesheet and JavaScript files and initializing the plugin on the target input field. [ more ]
jQuery Script
3 months ago

Ultra Small Responsive jQuery Image Slider - kslider

kslider is an ultra-small, fully responsive, easy-to-use, jQuery based slider for presenting images in an elegant way.
Features include auto adjustment of height/width depending on screen size, auto show/hide navigation arrows on hover, auto creation of image captions from alt attribute, and auto transitions between images. [ more ]
jQuery Script
3 months ago

Create Slick Animated Circular Progress Bars with jQuery & Bootstrap

This is a lightweight jQuery plugin that adds animated circular progress bars to your Bootstrap-based web pages and applications.
You can control the circle size, progress value, bar color, background color, and thickness easily through the API. [ more ]
jQuery Script
3 months ago

Cyclotron - 360Panorama Image Display Plugin

Cyclotron is a jQuery plugin that allows users to drag 360-degree panoramas and seamlessly looping images.
It supports both mouse drag and touch swipe events. [ more ]
jQuery Script
3 months ago

Easy Toast Notifications In Bootstrap 5 - jQuery simple-notif.js

simple-notif.js is a jQuery plugin that enables the creation of customizable brief feedback messages.
The plugin is ideal for displaying various types of notifications such as success, error, warning, and more. [ more ]
jQuery Plugins
3 months ago

Corner Popup - Fully Customizable jQuery Pop-Up Plugin

Corner Popup is a simple jQuery pop-up plugin that can be used on almost all modern websites.
Corner Popup is fully configurable and you can change many parameters - position, window color, content inside etc.
Corner Popup is easy to use and you don't need any programming skills. It is fully responsive without using any framework. [ more ]
jQuery Script
3 months ago

Create Captivating Blur Motion Effects with jQuery blurMotion.js

blurMotion.js is a jQuery plugin used to create customizable blur motion effects.
The plugin allows for adjusting blur limits, hue settings, movement, and duration of the animated effects. [ more ]
jQuery Script
3 months ago

Animated 3D Image Rotator with jQuery And CSS3 Transforms

The 3D image rotator allows for smooth rotation through a series of images with next/prev buttons.
It is built with JavaScript (jQuery) and CSS3 3D transforms to create a dynamic experience. [ more ]
jQuery Script
3 months ago

Navigate Between Elements With Directional Buttons - jQuery Directional

The Directional jQuery plugin provides an accessible solution for users who rely on remote/keyboard controls to navigate websites.
It can be used by individuals with motor impairments or those who prefer keyboard-based navigation, as well as in web apps designed for Smart TVs. [ more ]
jQuery Script
3 months ago

Responsive Non-intrusive Toast Notification jQuery Plugin

The toast notification jQuery plugin allows developers to display customizable and non-intrusive notifications to communicate with users.
The plugin offers four distinct notification types: Success, Error, Info, and Warning, each with its own visual style. [ more ]
jQuery Script
3 months ago

Customizable Snow Falling Effect With jQuery And CSS3 - Flurry

Yet another jQuery plugin used for displaying a highly customizable, CSS3 animated snow falling effect with rotating snowflakes on the webpage.
jQuery Script
3 months ago

Mobile-First Fullscreen Navigation Plugin - jQuery menuFullScreen.js

This jQuery plugin creates a responsive fullscreen navigation menu when a hamburger icon is clicked
The menu adapts to limited screen real estate by converting menu items to vertical on smaller screens [ more ]
jQuery Script
4 months ago

Google Sheets Style Feature Rich jQuery Spreadsheet Plugin - ipgrid

ip grid is a flexible, feature-rich, highly customizable jQuery spreadsheet plugin inspired by Google Sheets and MS Excel.Comes with lots of configuration options and API methods & events.
jQuery Script
4 months ago

Easy Data Comparison With Solvyy Responsive Table

A lightweight responsive comparison table for showcasing comparative data.
Customizable and mobile-friendly.
jQuery Script
4 months ago

Track Element Resizes With Precision Using jQuery Resize Plugin

The jQuery resize event is a useful way to detect when the browser window or any element resizes.By default, it only fires on the window and provides the new viewport width and height.
jQuery Script
4 months ago

Add Festive Snowfall To Webpage With The letItSnow jQuery Plugin

letItSnow is a tiny jQuery plugin that helps create a wintery atmosphere by adding a customizable, festive snowfall effect to web pages.
jQuery Script
4 months ago

Add Processing Feedback To Submit Buttons - jQuery faSpinner

The fa.submit.spinner jQuery plugin adds a loading spinner to disabled submit buttons on forms
Developers can customize the spinner markup and CSS styles [ more ]
jQuery Script
4 months ago

Filter Through Large Tables With Form Controls - Filtable

A small (2kb minified), cross-browser, high-performance table filter plugin that allows the visitor to quickly filter through your large tabular data with several form controls.
jQuery Script
4 months ago

SVG Path Animation Plugin with JavaScript - Lazy Line Painter

Lazy Line Painter is a jQuery plugin
It uses the Raphael Library to create SVG Path Animation. [ more ]
jQuery Script
4 months ago

Create A Leaflet Map With Interactive Layers - am_map.js

am_map.js is a jQuery plugin that allows users to create custom Leaflet maps with multiple interactive layer markers and popups using a simple API.
To use am_map.js, users need to load the necessary jQuery library and Leaflet Map, as well as other optional dependencies like Leaflet.UTM and Stamen Maps. [ more ]
jQuery Script
4 months ago

Responsive Scroll-Triggered Marquee Carousel In jQuery

The Marquee Slider jQuery plugin provides a smooth horizontal scrolling marquee effect that responds to user scrolling.
Developers can control the scroll speed and repeat items using the sensitivity and repeatItems options. [ more ]
jQuery Script
4 months ago

Display Mixed Media In Lightbox Galleries With jQuery

The upgraded lightbox gallery jQuery plugin supports displaying images, videos, iframes, and a mix of these media types.
It transforms a simple linked media gallery into a modal-style navigation experience, allowing users to seamlessly navigate through gallery items. [ more ]
jQuery Script
6 months ago

Choose Multiple Months With Multi Month Picker jQuery Plugin

The Multi Month Picker jQuery plugin allows users to select multiple months in a month picker popup.
The display format can be customized using year and month tokens. [ more ]
jQuery Script
6 months ago

Quickly Toggle Password Visibility with Bootstrap5-togglepassword Plugin

The bootstrap5-togglepassword jQuery plugin allows users to view or hide the password text in a password input field.
The plugin can be easily imported into a Bootstrap 5 project and attached to a password field. [ more ]
jQuery Script
6 months ago

Show Char Counters On Form Controls With The Bootstrap5-maxlength Plugin

The maxlength plugin is a jQuery character counter plugin for Bootstrap 5 that displays the maximum and current length of text inputs and textareas.
The plugin automatically prevents users from typing more characters once the limit is reached, providing visual feedback to the user. [ more ]
jQuery Script
6 months ago

Virtual PIN Code Numpad In jQuery - pinMeBB.js

pinMeBB.js is a jQuery plugin that generates a virtual numeric keypad for PIN codes.
To use the plugin, download and load pinMeBB.js and pinMeBB.css in your jQuery project. [ more ]
6 months ago

Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #520

Sherif is a linter for JavaScript monorepos
Hwy is an alternative to NextJS based on HTMX [ more ]
jQuery Plugins
6 months ago

On-Scroll Column and Row Animations

Scroll-driven animations can add a touch of magic to web design
Animations can be applied to column and row items in a specific way when scrolling [ more ]
jQuery Script
7 months ago

Customizable Back To Top Button Plugin For jQuery - backToTop

This plugin generates a customizable back to top button on webpages.
It offers 3 different animations, custom position and icon, and auto reveal and hide on scroll. [ more ]
jQuery Script
6 months ago

Add Slick Copy-to-Clipboard Functionality To Bootstrap 5

A jQuery/Bootstrap plugin for adding copy-to-clipboard functionality to a Bootstrap 5 project.
Supports various elements like input fields, textareas, and span elements. [ more ]
jQuery Script
7 months ago

Auto Merge Identical Adjacent Cells In Table - jQuery addTableRowSpan

addTableRowSpan is a jQuery plugin that merges adjacent cells with the same value in an HTML table.
The plugin has configuration options to control its behavior, such as specifying which columns to apply spanning to and whether to merge empty cells. [ more ]
7 months ago

Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #519

Navita is a CSS-in-JS library that allows for type-safe compile-time Atomic CSS-in-JS without runtime dependencies.
Yrel is a lightweight JavaScript library for JSON schema validation with TypeScript type inference.
React-voice-visualizer simplifies integrating audio recording and visualization functionalities in web applications using the Web Audio API. [ more ]
jQuery Script
7 months ago

Control & Monitor User Typing with The typingEvents jQuery Plugin

typingEvents is a jQuery plugin that tracks keydown, keyup, typing start, and typing end events in input fields.
It provides granular control over input events and allows users to manipulate user typing behaviors.
Users can restrict or allow specific inputs and set delay times. [ more ]
jQuery Script
7 months ago

Display Option Paths In Select Boxes - jQuery selectPath

The selectPath jQuery plugin displays the path to the optgroup of the currently selected option in a select element.
It helps prevent confusion when options share the same name in different optgroups.
The plugin is easy to use and allows you to change the separator at runtime. [ more ]
jQuery Script
7 months ago

Create Custom Confirmation Popups With Bootstrap 5 - jquery-bs-confirm

jquery-bs-confirm is a lightweight jQuery plugin that creates customizable confirmation dialogs using Bootstrap 5's modal component.
It allows for customization of the dialog's header, animation, and callback functions for actions post-confirmation or cancellation. [ more ]
jQuery Script
7 months ago

Easily Add Clear Buttons to Text Inputs with Zebra_ClearInput

Zebra_ClearInput is a jQuery plugin that adds a clear icon to input fields.
Users can clear text with a single click on the icon.
The plugin can be customized with custom styles and can be easily destroyed. [ more ]
7 months ago

Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #518

The article features a collection of the latest design and development resources from the web.
Some of the highlighted resources include a self-hosted drag and drop editor for React, a WebGL implementation for 3D scene rendering, and a tool for generating one link for all your links. [ more ]
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