A 10-Minute Evening Yoga Routine for Better Sleep

Gentle yoga at the end of the day is an effective method to promote relaxation and prepare the body and mind for sleep. Experts like Dr. Vanika Chawla and Dr. Elizabeth Ko highlight how yoga improves sleep quality and helps reduce insomnia. The practice aids relaxation through deep breathing, which calms the body's stress response. It's also beneficial for alleviating aches from sedentary lifestyles. A recommended routine includes a dynamic sequence followed by restorative poses, supporting a smooth transition from daily life to rest.
Yoga can promote relaxation and calm the mind, said Dr. Vanika Chawla, noting its ability to improve sleep quality and help with insomnia.
Deep breathing, a key element of yoga, can help you relax by dialing down the fight-or-flight response that keeps your body on high alert, said Dr. Elizabeth Ko.
To reap the rewards of an evening practice, begin with dynamic movement before settling into restorative poses, advised Steph Creaturo.
Every day is a series of small transitions... Yoga can create a bridge to help ease that transition, says instructor Steph Creaturo.
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