Why you should watch My Old Ass back to back with Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

In this moment, writer-director Megan Park digs into her most interesting message. After hearing her older self rant about how deeply Chad's death affected her, younger!Elliott replies with a "No." She tells her older self that being young and dumb is a good thing, because if she let fear of the world change her life, she wouldn't be living at all. So she'll take the heartbreak, because it comes with the opportunity to get to know and love someone deeply and with abandon.
Younger!Elliott disregarding this advice ends up becoming the movie's most compelling theme - and a thread that it shares with cinematic masterpiece Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again. (Yes, for real.) At first, younger!Elliot is sure the Chad thing isn't going to be a problem, considering that previously, she's only been attracted to women.
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