The article addresses the alarming reality that women outlive men by 6-7 years globally, yet societal norms and marriage-focused narratives often leave older women without meaningful companionship at life's end. The stark data reveals a significant disparity in the marital status of older adults, with many women facing loneliness due to widowhood or being single. Despite the growing aging female population, little attention is given to enhancing their quality of life. The author advocates for fostering friendships and communal living as a powerful strategy to combat isolation among aging women.
With women outliving men by an average of 6-7 years globally, the societal focus on marriage neglects women's well-being at the end of life, particularly when many end up alone.
The alarming statistic indicates that around 70% of female nursing home residents are single, divorced, or widowed, highlighting the pressing need for community-based solutions.