My son doesn't believe in Santa, but his older sister does. I'm not telling either of them the truth.

I knew this day would come, but I couldn't have been more wrong about how it would play out. The vast majority of the time, when I plan or worry about something, I am usually wildly off-base. I try to exercise the kind of mindfulness I have learned as a mother: to take in the growth of my children one day at a time.
My daughter is such a sensitive child. She worries about everything, from the kittens outside to saying goodbye to books at the library. She is also a strategic player in games, able to beat me often.
'Santa lives in your hearts,' I said. They looked at me stunned but satisfied, with my son shrugging and my daughter looking relieved. The conversation drifted elsewhere as we got in the car.
'Yes, he is. Tell him he is real, Mommy,' my daughter said, tears in her eyes. This showed just how deeply she feels about these things and how important belief is to her.
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