It Ends With Us' brings popular Colleen Hoover novel to the silver screen | amNewYork

This film has been marketed as a romance drama about a woman caught between two men. While that is partly true, prospective viewers should be aware that it deals with domestic abuse and is inspired by the relationship between Hoover's parents.
Thankfully, the violence is handled responsibly and sensibly - these days, we don't need to show instances of abuse in all their gory details. The film may be rated 15 but you really don't see very much; it cuts away and lets your imagination fill in the rest.
Fans of the book will be pleased to learn that it is a very loyal adaptation. Some parts have been streamlined for runtime reasons and there are very tweaks here and there (less Ellen DeGeneres references!) but the core elements are the same.
However, there are moments that don't resonate in the film quite like they did in the book. For example, the violent incidents lacked the same visceral quality and the script couldn't quite articulate why women sometimes choose to stay and why the cycle keeps going. But these are only minor misgivings.
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