The article presents a dilemma regarding a possible paternity issue involving a brother's child. The writer is torn about whether to inform their brother of their mother's doubts about the child's parentage, considering the implications this could have on family dynamics and the child's emotional well-being. The advice emphasizes the importance of emotional ties over biological ones, suggesting that the brother should be allowed to come to any conclusions on his own, and urging the writer to reassure their mother about accepting the child as part of the family.
You should stay out of this. It's your mother, not you, who has these suspicions. Your brother loves this child as his own, and if he knew his ex cheated, he may have already entertained the idea that she's not his biological child.
Bringing forward your mother's concerns may cause a world of pain for your family and could cost a young child the father she's known her whole life. Tell your mom that it's time to let this go and accept this little girl as part of your family.
It isn't just blood that can make someone a parent; your brother has put time and care into raising a child whom he loves.
Perhaps in the future he'll have his own concerns and choose to request paternity testing; let him come to that conclusion on his own.