I remember that day like it was yesterday, standing in the middle of Macy's arguing over which plates we would scan with that stupid gun. He wanted something plain and unassuming. I was leaning toward patterns and colors. I thought we were just succumbing to the stress of wedding planning. All couples fight during this process; at least, that's what the magazines all said.
Let's just get this over with is not the mantra you want to be repeating as you walk down the aisle, but it's the tune that played in my head as my father gave me away.
In a fitting start to our lives as husband and wife, it rained almost every day of our honeymoon. We were wet and uncomfortable when we found ourselves arguing over plates again in a small Mexican gift shop.
One month after our wedding, I sat alone in our bed eating sushi, my husband out somewhere else instead of being home with me to eat it.