Many men "run away" from marital challenges; once any opportunity to travel out of the country or state presents itself, they grab it with both hands and legs! That is better than committing suicide or dying of high blood pressure. Women do same! More women are travelling out to make more money for hubby and kids. Good! It's okay to seek more money and provide for your family.
The challenge is, many things suffer; hubby suffers, wife suffers, children suffer -emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and physically. Money is not the main reason we get married. We get married to help each other keep sane and whole.
Your spouse needs to see you and talk daily, not just on phone but one on one. He or she needs to have sex at least once a week! Your children need your touch. They need physical and emotional support. They need parental care, guide and training. Most importantly, they need both dad and mum together to feel safe and secure.
There is too much emotional gap in long distance marriages. When one spouse is gone for 3 months, another for years, Jesus, what is that? How do you guys have sex? Through sending nudes, video sex, flirty chats or what?