The article discusses the damaging societal messages girls and women receive that restrict their behavior and interests. It highlights real-life examples shared on Reddit where women recall being told they shouldn't engage in activities deemed 'not ladylike.' From playing to sports and friendships, these experiences showcase the lingering effects of gender stereotypes that dictate what is acceptable for women. The shared frustrations emphasize how such attitudes remain pervasive, even in modern society, prompting calls for change and greater acceptance of gender equality.
When I was a kid and went to visit my grandparents for the first time, I was surrounded by my male cousins... I got to watch my male cousins and brother outside playing while I was scrubbing dishes.
Growing up, my parents didn't let my sisters and I do after-school sports at school because 'the uniforms are immodest'... It makes no sense to me and to this day still pisses me off.
My husband said, 'You don't need friends, you are married now.' He's gone now.
A friend's husband told her that married women don't spend the weekend away from their husbands.