Sleeping Naked Has Improved My Sleep

The author recounts their journey from discomfort with nudity to embracing it after a particularly exhausting night. Initially apprehensive about being naked, they found themselves unexpectedly reveling in the experience after shedding their nightclothes. This led to a transformative night of undisturbed sleep, free from the discomfort of twisted clothing, which prompted a newfound appreciation for their body. Over time, this shift in mindset not only enhanced their quality of sleep but also positively impacted their self-esteem, allowing them to embrace their body in ways they never had before.
I had lived almost five decades and had never known pleasure like this. It was the first night I didn’t wake up with clothes twisted around me.
Sleeping naked can improve your sleep, and I can attest to that after experiencing a continuous, undisturbed slumber.
Since I’ve embraced more naked time, I’ve improved my self-esteem, starting to fall in love with parts of my body I didn’t like before.
Now I crawl into bed every night and love the feeling of wrapping the sheets around my naked body, knowing I'm going to have a good night's sleep.
Read at Scary Mommy