Cody Molica, a 38-year-old man, called 911 to report the shooting of his 80-year-old father, Richard Molica, found dead at their Santa Rosa home. Following the incident, Cody was arrested for murder and conspiracy; his mother, Beverly, was also arrested for conspiracy and accessory charges. Prior to the shooting, Cody had been involved in a domestic dispute with his parents and had faced elder abuse charges. Friends remembered Richard fondly, describing him as a kind and generous person who impacted many positively.
"You could be a stranger and you would be his friend," said Selina Galick, highlighting Richard Molica's generous and warm personality as remembered by friends.
"Everybody that knew him just said he was absolutely the nicest person that they'd ever met," recounted Kevan Brown, emphasizing the positive impact Richard had on those around him.