Daylight saving time begins this weekend, prompting discussions about its relevance and necessity. President Trump remarks on the divided opinions regarding the time change, while a 2019 poll shows a significant majority of Americans favoring a stable time, either standard or daylight saving. Elon Musk recently solicited opinions on changing clocks on social media, with most preferring a time shift that moves clocks an hour later. The National Sleep Foundation advises gradual sleep schedule adjustments as Americans prepare for the time change.
If you embrace daylight saving time, this weekend is for you. It's a time of annual change but also controversy around its necessity and impact.
Almost everyone has an opinion on daylight saving time. A poll in 2019 revealed that 71% of respondents preferred standard or daylight saving time year-round.
Despite mixed feelings about daylight saving time, the start date remains consistent: the second Sunday in March to the second Sunday in November.
President Trump indicated that the daylight saving time debate is a '50-50 issue' and it's hard to generate excitement over such divided opinions.