Ministers scrap DWP program allowing landlords to tap into tenants' benefits

The UK government has decided to scrap a controversial program that allowed landlords to automatically deduct funds from tenants' universal credit benefits without their consent. This decision follows a judge's ruling declaring the process unlawful after a tenant challenged the deductions made at the request of a landlord. Work and pensions secretary Liz Kendall confirmed there would be no appeal against this ruling and that reforms are planned to ensure tenants have more control over benefit deductions. This change is part of broader initiatives to overhaul the UK's welfare system.
The automatic approval of landlords' requests for tenants' benefits to be deducted is one of these, Kendall said.
The benefits system needs urgent reform and we are taking action across the board to do this - whether that's tackling the huge accumulation of debt by carer's allowance recipients.
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