Ministers scrap DWP program allowing landlords to tap into tenants' benefitsThe UK government is ending a controversial program that allowed landlords to deduct benefits from tenants without consent.
What to do if your benefits payments have been delayedBenefit payments are essential for many in the UK, and knowing how to handle delays is important for financial management.
Ministers scrap DWP program allowing landlords to tap into tenants' benefitsThe UK government is ending a controversial program that allowed landlords to deduct benefits from tenants without consent.
What to do if your benefits payments have been delayedBenefit payments are essential for many in the UK, and knowing how to handle delays is important for financial management.
Are your benefits moving to universal credit? DWP 'migration' changes explainedLegacy benefits claimants will switch to universal credit by 2025 through managed migration.
Universal Credit warning as more than 300,000 people have benefits stoppedOver 300,000 households lost their benefits for failing to transition to Universal Credit, highlighting the urgent deadlines and processes enforced by the DWP.
Taboola Data Reveals; Benefits Top of the Agenda for Brits in SeptemberThe DWP was the most discussed topic in the UK, driven by benefit changes and fraud concerns.
Coroner criticises benefits rules after vulnerable claimant's deathCoroner criticizes DWP for failures in responding to mental health issuesUniversal credit overpayments cause financial stress and difficulties for claimants
Are your benefits moving to universal credit? DWP 'migration' changes explainedLegacy benefits claimants will switch to universal credit by 2025 through managed migration.
Universal Credit warning as more than 300,000 people have benefits stoppedOver 300,000 households lost their benefits for failing to transition to Universal Credit, highlighting the urgent deadlines and processes enforced by the DWP.
Taboola Data Reveals; Benefits Top of the Agenda for Brits in SeptemberThe DWP was the most discussed topic in the UK, driven by benefit changes and fraud concerns.
Coroner criticises benefits rules after vulnerable claimant's deathCoroner criticizes DWP for failures in responding to mental health issuesUniversal credit overpayments cause financial stress and difficulties for claimants
DWP confirms 57,000 benefit claimants will get compensation after court rulingThe DWP confirmed compensation for 57,000 benefit claimants affected by the transition to universal credit, highlighting critical welfare issues.
Inflation drop badly-timed' for benefit claimants as next increase revealedInflation rate drop raises concerns regarding benefit uprating for low-income families.
DWP confirms 57,000 benefit claimants will get compensation after court rulingThe DWP confirmed compensation for 57,000 benefit claimants affected by the transition to universal credit, highlighting critical welfare issues.
Inflation drop badly-timed' for benefit claimants as next increase revealedInflation rate drop raises concerns regarding benefit uprating for low-income families.
A day on the frontline of Britain's eviction crisisThe Independent champions unrestricted journalism to cover critical issues, emphasizing community struggles and the fight for equity in housing.
Government to overspend 8.6bn on benefits billThe Independent emphasizes delivering unbiased news while highlighting pressing societal issues like reproductive rights and economic reforms.
Thousands of DWP benefit claimants could get compensation after court battleThe Independent is committed to providing accessible journalism on critical issues while supporting individuals affected by systemic financial mismanagement.
A day on the frontline of Britain's eviction crisisThe Independent champions unrestricted journalism to cover critical issues, emphasizing community struggles and the fight for equity in housing.
Government to overspend 8.6bn on benefits billThe Independent emphasizes delivering unbiased news while highlighting pressing societal issues like reproductive rights and economic reforms.
Thousands of DWP benefit claimants could get compensation after court battleThe Independent is committed to providing accessible journalism on critical issues while supporting individuals affected by systemic financial mismanagement.
Reeves' growth drive rubbished as charity reveals scale of UK povertyEconomic growth alone is insufficient to alleviate poverty; targeted policies are necessary for significant improvement.
The Guardian view on poverty in Britain: desperation in plain sight | EditorialLabour governments significantly reduced poverty in Britain, but current benefit policies are trapping many in financial distress and exacerbating poverty levels.
Most Britons say poor people deserve support. So what do Sunak's Tories do? Cut, cut, cut | Polly ToynbeeMillions face financial insecurity due to cuts in support payments like universal credit and housing benefits.Crisis in poverty worsens as families struggle to make ends meet despite full-time work on minimum wage.
Reeves' growth drive rubbished as charity reveals scale of UK povertyEconomic growth alone is insufficient to alleviate poverty; targeted policies are necessary for significant improvement.
The Guardian view on poverty in Britain: desperation in plain sight | EditorialLabour governments significantly reduced poverty in Britain, but current benefit policies are trapping many in financial distress and exacerbating poverty levels.
Most Britons say poor people deserve support. So what do Sunak's Tories do? Cut, cut, cut | Polly ToynbeeMillions face financial insecurity due to cuts in support payments like universal credit and housing benefits.Crisis in poverty worsens as families struggle to make ends meet despite full-time work on minimum wage.
'I am being punished for my mother's death - with bedroom tax'Camden Council's delay in housing alternatives has left siblings Reece and Jada struggling under 'bedroom tax' penalties after their mother's death.
Benefit sanctions more likely for minority ethnic claimants, UK data showsBlack and minority ethnic claimants face higher rates of universal credit sanctions, highlighting systemic issues within the benefits system.
Masters graduate moans claiming benefits feels like 'full-time job'Joshua Bishop's experience underscores the challenges jobseekers face under the current welfare system, highlighting issues of bureaucracy and psychological stress.
Benefit sanctions more likely for minority ethnic claimants, UK data showsBlack and minority ethnic claimants face higher rates of universal credit sanctions, highlighting systemic issues within the benefits system.
Masters graduate moans claiming benefits feels like 'full-time job'Joshua Bishop's experience underscores the challenges jobseekers face under the current welfare system, highlighting issues of bureaucracy and psychological stress.
Price of a pint in the pub to drop as draught duty on alcoholic drinks cutThe Labour government's Autumn Budget focuses on reducing draught duty and enhancing revenue from taxes on tobacco and soft drinks, while supporting electric vehicles.
I have 7 in my bank account': how the two-child benefit cap changed BritainThe two-child benefit cap is causing severe financial hardship for families, affecting their ability to support their children.
Universal Credit claimants receive 420 boost in Budget as benefit increase confirmedLabour is lowering the cap on deductions from Universal Credit payments, benefiting 1.2 million households by allowing them to keep more of their benefits.
I have 7 in my bank account': how the two-child benefit cap changed BritainThe two-child benefit cap is causing severe financial hardship for families, affecting their ability to support their children.
Universal Credit claimants receive 420 boost in Budget as benefit increase confirmedLabour is lowering the cap on deductions from Universal Credit payments, benefiting 1.2 million households by allowing them to keep more of their benefits.
More than 1m households to get 420 budget boost in universal credit changeChanges to universal credit will benefit over 1 million of the UK's poorest households by capping deductions that repay short-term loans and debts.
Surprise fall in UK inflation badly timed for benefit recipientsUK inflation drop results in minimal benefit increase for state support recipients, impacting low- to middle-income families.
Two-thirds of UK benefits claimants with debts have gone without food'Two-thirds of benefits claimants with debts cannot afford food, highlighting the severe impact of financial instability and delays in universal credit payments.
DWP warns legacy benefits recipients to take immediate actionESA recipients must apply for Universal Credit within three months to avoid payment disruption as the DWP transitions to a simplified benefits system.
DWP warns 500,000 people to take action' or risk losing benefit payments500,000 benefit claimants must switch to Universal Credit from legacy benefits.Claimants have three months to respond to migration notices to avoid losing benefits.Transition to Universal Credit won't result in a loss of money if responded to within the deadline.
DWP warns legacy benefits recipients to take immediate actionESA recipients must apply for Universal Credit within three months to avoid payment disruption as the DWP transitions to a simplified benefits system.
DWP warns 500,000 people to take action' or risk losing benefit payments500,000 benefit claimants must switch to Universal Credit from legacy benefits.Claimants have three months to respond to migration notices to avoid losing benefits.Transition to Universal Credit won't result in a loss of money if responded to within the deadline.
I don't do a monthly shop any more': life with unpredictable working hoursJessica Burns faces challenges managing her variable work hours and pay as a supermarket employee, impacting her budgeting, childcare, and stress levels.
@morkofScrapping two-child benefit limit would still leave 100,000 young Britons in poverty'The two-child limit and benefit cap need reform to effectively reduce child poverty.Tens of thousands of children remain at risk due to the benefit cap.
Scrapping two-child benefit limit would still leave 100,000 young Britons in poverty'The two-child limit and benefit cap need reform to effectively reduce child poverty.Tens of thousands of children remain at risk due to the benefit cap.
Universal credit tax rate hindering employment efforts, says Blick RothenbergThe new Government must address the 55% effective tax rate on Universal Credit recipients to reduce unemployment.
Scrapping two-child benefit limit would still leave 100,000 young Britons in poverty'The two-child limit and benefit cap need reform to effectively reduce child poverty.Tens of thousands of children remain at risk due to the benefit cap.
Universal credit tax rate hindering employment efforts, says Blick RothenbergThe new Government must address the 55% effective tax rate on Universal Credit recipients to reduce unemployment.
Martin Lewis clears up confusion over child benefit capMartin Lewis clarifies the two-child benefit cap under the Conservative government, affecting universal credit and tax credit eligibility for third children born after April 6, 2017.
Universal Credit days out London 2024: How to get discounted tickets for London Zoo, Tower of London and moreZSL London Zoo and Historic Royal Palaces offer discounted tickets to individuals receiving specific benefits for affordable family days out in London.