The simple way to figure out when you're most productive, according to Google's executive productivity advisor

In "Uptime: A Practical Guide to Personal Productivity and Wellbeing," Laura Mae Martin emphasizes that everyone has unique high and low energy times, which she terms 'power hours'. By using a notepad to track these hours, individuals can identify and optimize their most productive periods to align tasks with their natural rhythms.
She suggests that executives keep a notepad by their desk for two weeks, noting periods of high productivity and low energy. 'Once you've come up with some of your general productivity patterns, you can start mimicking your ideal conditions as often as possible,' she explains.
Martin stresses the importance of blocking time during these power hours, stating that ideally they should be dedicated to top priorities. 'Even one to three times a week, or even just one hour of your three Power Hours, will make a huge difference in how much control you feel over your work and to-do lists,' she adds.
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