Thrillers are rising in popularity on streaming platforms like Netflix, driven by cultural influences including true crime and the audience's desire for escapism. The article highlights notable titles such as The Night Agent and Ripley, as well as mentioning the extensive adaptations of Harlan Coben's novels. A focus is placed on the upcoming series Zero Day while reflecting on past hits, including the critically acclaimed miniseries that set viewership records in the U.K. and earned award nominations, showcasing the talent of actors like Keira Knightley and Ben Whishaw.
With the launch of Zero Day, it's time to create a guide to the best of this genre on Netflix, which we will update as needed.
Thrillers are among the most robust TV genres across all streaming services, driven by influences of true crime and escapism in today’s world.
Fans of tense spy shows like 24 and Homeland shouldn't miss this tight, six-episode miniseries about a guard for Home Secretary in the U.K.
Keira Knightley and Ben Whishaw do phenomenal work in this British import by creator Joe Barton, playing spies in a riveting thriller.