I started my marketing agency in 2016. I worked hard to build it from scratch and told myself that if I got married, I wanted to protect this asset at all costs. I heard stories from other entrepreneurs about how they built a business, got married without a prenup, and later divorced. Some had to hand over money and partial business ownership to their ex-spouse. I spent so much time building my business that I couldn't imagine losing some of it in a divorce.
Getting a prenup before marriage was a non-negotiable for me. After meeting my fiancé in 2018, we talked about prenups several times before getting engaged. You hear stories of people being offended by the idea of a prenup, but my fiancé didn't care at all. He's ambitious and works for his dad's plumbing business. He was totally fine with it.
I believe contracts are essential in business and relationships. It might not sound romantic to compare love to business, but when you're about to enter a legal marriage with someone, I believe it's best to have a contract outlining worst-case scenario terms. Before I work with a client, we sign a contract that protects us if something goes wrong.
I have more assets than just my business and money in bank accounts. I often hear people say they don't need a prenup because they don't...