5 mistakes you might be making in a negotiation

Many people derail a negotiation before they walk into the room by having the wrong mindset to begin with. Remember that a negotiation is a conversation, not a battle. If you keep your attitude relaxed and treat every talking point as part of a larger conversation, you will always maintain control of the conversation. Leave emotion out of negotiation. It isn't personal, it's business.
It is imperative that you have guardrails in place before you walk into a negotiation so that you don't lose your way if the person across the table is a more experienced negotiator. Write down your high-medium-low before you walk into a negotiation.
Want to lose a negotiation? Walk in thinking that things will go exactly as planned. To win a negotiation you need to play out as many different scenarios as possible before you sit down...
As the Founder and CEO of the Lydia Fenet Agency, I train auctioneers in the art of negotiation. My years of on-stage experience have helped me pinpoint five tips to avoid the most common mistakes most people make.
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