As political polarization intensifies, agencies struggle to find brand-safe gaming influencers

In 2025, content creators, especially in gaming, have become politically outspoken, complicating brands' influencer marketing strategies. Prominent figures like Kaitlyn "Amouranth" Siragusa have faced backlash for controversial statements, while organizations like FaZe Clan have taken definitive political stances. This trend reflects a broader shift, with a survey indicating that over half of U.S. consumers are supportive of political commentary from creators. This demand for authenticity and engagement has made it difficult to find creators who remain apolitical, reshaping the landscape for brands in influencer marketing.
"The shift is partly due to the ever-present influence of social media, where audiences expect authenticity and engagement on various topics."
"52 percent of U.S. consumers welcomed creators posting about politics, according to a Jan. 2025 survey by the influencer marketing agency Billion Dollar Boy."
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