Dear Colleague letter has questionable assumptions (opinion)

This article discusses a recent "Dear Colleague" letter from the U.S. Department of Education addressing racial discrimination in schools. The irony of its release on Valentine's Day highlights the serious nature of the message. The letter delineates the obligations of educational institutions regarding federal funds and warns of potential repercussions for failing to comply. It offers a two-week period for schools to amend their practices, emphasizing the federal government’s commitment to enforcing civil rights in education.
On Feb. 14 this year, America's schools and colleges received a Valentine from the U.S. Department of Education in the form of a Dear Colleague letter from Craig Trainor, acting assistant secretary for civil rights at the department.
The Dear Colleague letter is intended to clarify the obligations educational institutions receiving federal funds have to avoid discrimination based on race.
The letter presents a two-week window for schools and colleges to rectify their practices, threatening potential revocation of federal funding for failure to comply.
If the Dear Colleague Valentine included a conversation heart, the message wouldn't be 'You're so fine' but rather 'You're so fined.'
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