Traffic congestion is worse now than before the pandemic: Streetlight Data report

'While there was some hope that a new remote work culture might keep miles driven down and congestion at bay, StreetLight's results indicate that the status quo isn't working.' This highlights the persistent traffic issues that remain despite changing work patterns.
'Traffic congestion is quite stubborn on these taxed urban roads,' reflects the ongoing challenge cities face in managing vehicular flow, emphasizing the need for innovative solutions.
'Despite hybrid and remote work trends, the number of vehicle miles traveled per capita was 12% higher in May 2024 than the same month in 2019,' indicating a resurgence in traffic that challenges prior expectations.
'Among the top 25 cities, five kept their VMT at or below 2019 levels but only San Francisco saw congestion slightly under its pre-pandemic mark,' underscoring the variability in urban traffic management.
Read at Smart Cities Dive