Can CA Go It Alone on High Speed Rail? - Streetsblog California

The U.S. Secretary of Transportation visited Los Angeles, threatening to cease federal funding for California's high-speed rail project. In response, State Senate Committee Chair Dave Cortese introduced Senate Bill 545, which aims to study the economic potential of the rail project and possible public-private funding partnerships, with a deadline for completion set for July 1, 2026. Cortese emphasizes high-speed rail's role as an economic driver, urging federal investment for project continuity despite readiness to proceed independently if necessary.
The study will help guide the state to examine opportunities for major residential and commercial development in the high-speed rail corridor, synergy which can help pay for the infrastructure itself.
The federal appropriation would be very, very helpful...if for no other reason, it gives you continuity in the revenue flow, to keep the jobs going, to keep the work going, to make sure there's no interruptions.
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