Strong at any age: Readers 65 and up share their favorite fitness routines

"My father had arthritis and I didn't want that to happen to me [so] I played football, baseball and basketball in school and while working... I really like to outdoor power walk because I get fresh air, listen to my favorite music to set the pace and get a chance to clear my head... Too many runners I know have knee or hip problems. I have never seen an article about the dangers of walking..." - Bill Smailes, 78.
"I was on the swim team and wrestled in high school but was never a jock... My stamina on the treadmill has declined over the years but I push myself to do what I am able to do. I like to show off at a party by doing 30 push-ups... It's important to combine strenuous aerobic exercise with weight training to maintain my weight, strength, balance, blood pressure, cholesterol and mood..." - Anonymous participant.
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