Many professionals face the dilemma of remaining in high-stress jobs that offer good pay. The writer shares their own experience quitting a demanding finance job once their savings reached a comfortable level. They emphasize the importance of balancing financial aspirations with mental well-being. A Reddit user's post highlights similar struggles with work-related stress affecting health, reaffirming the idea that financial success should not come at the cost of personal happiness or health. Ultimately, prioritizing mental health over potentially higher earnings can lead to a more fulfilling life.
It's easy to fall into the trap of sticking with a stressful job, especially if it pays well.
It's important to strike a balance between earning decently and not getting burned out.
Had I stayed at that job and in that industry, I'd perhaps have more money than what I have today. But I don't regret my decision one bit.
The stress and burnout are messing with my health and making it difficult to focus at work. I'm not sleeping well, I'm getting sick more often.