The loneliness of remote work: Older adults most affected by the loss of social networks - Local News Matters

"I think it breeds loneliness, disconnection," said Jeannine Vaughan, a communications strategist in San Francisco's Potrero Hill district who began working from home before the pandemic started. Before that, she owned an ad agency filled with in-person staff that she said ran on 'real camaraderie.' With the rise in remote working, she said, building teamwork and a sense of workplace community is much harder. 'Work is not the same,' she said.
Studies are finding loneliness afflicts far more people over age 55 who are working remotely, compared to their younger coworkers. One survey found older employees were nearly twice as likely as workers aged 16 to 24 to say they felt the social loss of remote working. This demographic is already vulnerable to health issues and dwindling social networks.
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