Apple accused of spying on employees' iPhones in new lawsuit

'Apple's surveillance policies and practices chill, and thus also unlawfully restrain, employee whistleblowing, competition, freedom of employee movement in the job market, and freedom of speech,' the lawsuit said.
'Every employee has the right to discuss their wages, hours and working conditions and this is part of our business conduct policy, which all employees are trained on annually,' they said.
'Your voice is one of the most important tools you have to fight back against pay discrimination and other corporate wrongdoing. Apple's broad speech suppression policies create a danger of discrimination going unchallenged far too long, which harms all Apple employees and Californians in general,' said Jahan Sagafi.
The new lawsuit was filed under a unique California law that allows workers to sue their employers on behalf of the state and keep 35 percent of any penalties recovered.
Read at Mail Online