Attracted to and Attracting the Wrong Partners

There's no personality type that attracts or is attracted to bad partners. It has more to do with locus of self-value. Does it come from within you, or must it come from someone else? If it comes from within, we tend to look for potential partners who are likely to give as much as we give. If it must come from someone else, we may try to manipulate someone into 'filling us up.'
If we perceive ourselves to have holes within, we'll likely attract people with small cups to fill them. People with big cups, a lot of love to give, look for partners with big cups who are likely to give as much as they do. People with small cups look for those who perceive themselves to have big holes, who will settle for what little they can give.
Feeling loved doesn't make us feel worthy of love. If we don't feel worthy, we won't fully trust someone who claims to love us. We'll assume, at least unconsciously, that they must want something else...because we couldn't possibly be enough for them.
The only way to feel genuinely worthy of love is to be compassionate, kind, protective of ourselves, and to forgive ourselves. When we cultivate these virtues internally, we naturally attract healthier relationships.
Read at Psychology Today