This Mom Has A Message For Parents Who Feel Like They Need Constant Breaks From Their Kids

"If you're a parent that constantly needs a break from your kids, there's probably one of two things that are happening. And if you fix these two things, then you will literally never need a break from your kids," Amber C. notes in her video.
"First is that American parents are basically running around like chickens with their head cut off, trying to keep their kids busy or entertain their kids or have their kids in some activity at all times."
"And we're very worried about our kids being the smartest and working on everything. It's expending so much energy as a parent. I have a friend that does this. Her kids are pretty much geniuses..."
" friend cannot wait to put these kids to bed. She puts them to bed earlier and earlier each night... And she constantly needs a break from her kids, where my theory is that if you lessen this, the need, the desperate need for a break goes down because you're not putting out as much energy."
Read at Scary Mommy