When Mullally and her family moved to St. Louis in 2021, she remembers feeling overwhelmed. Liam was ready to start making friends, and Mullally, 34, had just given birth to her second child. "It was winter and I was caring for a newborn, but Liam really needed to socialize," Mullally said. At indoor play spaces she would watch in awe as Liam worked the room, introducing himself to the other children and often inviting them over to his new house.
That's when she had the idea to make business cards for Liam to hand out to new friends. Each colorful card is printed with Mullally's phone number and email and Liam's name. The text reads: "Let's play! Have your people call my people." Mullally explains, "I always have them on me, but he'll ask for extra cards if we're going someplace where he knows he'll need them."