My parents had reservations about my husband because he had been married before and had three kids when we got together. And they were absolutely right. I would tell my daughter not to marry a man with three kids and an ex-wife at 24. But I made the right choice, and we've been happily married for almost 20 years now. It wasn't easy - I think it was a hell of a lot harder than it should have been - but we made it, and I love that man with all of me. He makes me better. For the record, my parents loved him, but not his situation. It didn't have anything to do with him as a person.
My son lived with his father from the time he was six. Although his father hated me, my son Jamie and I had a good relationship. I loved him very much, and I thought he felt the same. He turned 19 right after graduating high school and promptly told me he was marrying a girl he had only dated a few months. Jamie had never stayed with one girl very long, and I didn't think this one would be around for long either. She seemed nice enough, and I was always polite to her. I told Jamie privately that he should just live with her and not get married. I felt he was way too young to make that kind of commitment and take on the responsibilities of marriage, and I questioned why he would even want to at 19.