I was actually part of a throuple with a couple that had been married for 20 years. We dated for the last five years of their marriage. From the outside, they seemed perfect, but they had a lot of issues that were pushed under the rug and never dealt with.
After about a year, we became a throuple. The wife was an emotional roller coaster and had serious self-confidence issues. The husband was shocked that a relationship didn't have to be so hard and dramatic. He didn't know anything else.
The husband ended up leaving and moving in with his parents, and the wife blamed everyone, especially me, for it. He went back a couple of times to make it work, but she refused to take any blame for the issues and would have a list of things she said he needed to fix to make her happy in the marriage.
After six months of no communication, he got ahold of me, and we went on our first date, just us. We have been married for 10 years and are soul mates.