The diary entry reflects a slow, mundane afternoon on a bus in New York City, highlighting a moment of connection between the narrator and a stranger. Fascinated by the woman's beautiful tortoiseshell comb, the narrator approaches her to compliment it. After a brief interaction, the woman surprises the narrator by gifting the comb just before exiting the bus. This encounter encapsulates the spontaneous, fleeting moments that can happen in urban life, leaving a lasting impression despite its brevity.
I eventually summoned the nerve to approach her. I told her how pretty her comb was and asked where I could buy one.
Reaching up to her head, she whipped out the comb, and her long, auburn locks flowed down to her shoulders.
She dropped the comb in my lap, wished me a happy day and disappeared from my sight forever.
One thing that caught my eye was the back of the head of a woman sitting several seats in front of me.