Earthjustice praises ruling to move forward on congestion pricing plan

"The Governor tried to shut the courthouse doors to New Yorkers who are concerned about the air we breathe, the cars crowding our streets, our underfunded public transit, and the future of our planet," says Dror Ladin, underscoring the dire implications of congestion pricing on public health and environmental justice. This ruling signifies that the decisions impacting such critical issues must remain accountable to the law and the public they affect."
"The judge rejected the Governor's effort to shield her disastrous decision to block congestion pricing and confirmed that her decisions are not above the law," highlighted Dror Ladin, emphasizing the judicial support for holding officials accountable in matters of public interest. This ruling represents a pivotal moment for environmental advocacy, reaffirming the importance of lawful governance in tackling climate-related initiatives like congestion pricing in New York."
Read at Brooklyn Eagle