Wedding Guests Are Sharing The Wildest Costs A Bride And Groom Made Them Pay For, And Holy Crap

The BuzzFeed Community shared humorous accounts of absurd wedding expenses that couples requested from their guests. Instances include a bride expecting guests to fund a $3,000 bachelorette trip without details, a sorority sister asking for multiple expensive dresses summing over $1,000, a couple hosting a destination wedding in Hawaii demanding guests cover travel costs, and a request for monetary support for a wedding photographer. These anecdotes reflect rising expectations and pressures placed on guests regarding wedding-related expenses, often causing discomfort and rejection from attendees.
The bride planned a $3,000 per person bachelorette trip with an unknown itinerary.
I was asked by a sorority sister to buy five separate dresses and a swimsuit, costing over $1,000. I said, 'No, thank you.'
The couple had a destination wedding in Hawaii and expected guests to pay for their trip, while asking parents to cover the wedding costs.
My girlfriend's son is expecting us to financially support their $2,500 photographer because they think I can easily afford it.
Read at BuzzFeed