Should I Let My Grandchild's Psychiatrist Know My Concerns About Her?

The article discusses the ethical dilemma faced by a grandmother regarding her granddaughter's mental health and substance abuse treatment. The psychiatrist is aware of whether the patient is adhering to necessary medical protocols. Although the grandmother cannot be privy to the patient's treatment details, she is encouraged to share her concerns about her granddaughter’s health with the doctor, keeping in mind that her communication may be disclosed to the granddaughter. The context raises concerns about the balance between protection and trust in patient-family relationships.
A psychiatrist will know if patients aren't keeping on top of their blood work...nothing stops you from sharing your concerns with the doctor.
Assume that your message may be shared with her. Your right to voice concerns doesn't come with a right to confidentiality.
What feels like protection to you may feel like betrayal to her.
The easiest thing would be to forget about the whole situation and move on.
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