As the 12-week journey of The Artist's Way comes to a close, participants reflect on their growth and challenges. Some have embraced the practice, like maintaining a journaling habit and developing a sensitivity to everyday coincidences. Others, however, express frustration with Julia Cameron's insights and admit to lapses in commitment to the tasks. Conversations reveal diverse experiences ranging from renewed dedication to open criticism of the self-help genre, raising questions about personal belief in the process.
As we round out the last two weeks of this project, a few of us are re-committing to the process in the hopes of ending strong, and others are counting down the days.
Perhaps going to bed before midnight reliably is good for you ... I'm sure I will retain this lesson.
Since Week 5 when Julia Cameron talked about money, I lost a lot of trust in her.
Blocking is essentially an issue of faith, which always irk me as presumptuous and even pretentious.