When she was so terrible with our finances that I had to get a second job, we had to get roommates, and the whole time she came up with excuse after excuse as to why she couldn't get another job and why she couldn't cut back on her spending. And then she turned around and bought her mom a Disney trip on MY credit card without even asking me first or giving me a heads up. I found out when I went to pay the bill and it was a couple thousand dollars higher than I expected. I stayed with her for so long because I'd grown up with people saying relationships are hard work. So I thought it was the right thing to do to stay with her and work through our issues together. But at that point, I realized I didn't care if it made me a bad person or an asshole. I had no desire to continue to be someone's piggy bank.
Six months after leaving her, I scraped enough together for a down payment on a house. Six months! I kick myself imagining how much more money I'd have had I left her sooner. That's how much she was bleeding from me.