Welcome to America's hottest comedy club: LinkedIn

"Open with a life or work conundrum (from providing difficult feedback to a direct report to confessing that you have difficulty urinating in public restrooms). Space out each sentence or clause into its own paragraph. To build suspense. And wrap it all up with some unexpected lesson learned that has further propelled you to success."
"Cheng's wisdom includes the realization that it's OK for men to cry if it's over the end of tax loopholes, that swapping raises for an air-hockey table is great for morale, and that there are ways to justify watching porn at work."
"Everyone has met a boss. Everyone has met a person who has hit the top end and they’re just not very smart. Collectively, we’re watching as billionaire tech CEOs make outlandish style choices and challenge each other to cage matches."
"The absurdity resonates with workers scrolling their professional feeds, where his posts often blend in so seamlessly people can’t tell whether they’re satire."
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