The Orange Zest Mistake That Makes Cake Taste Bitter - Tasting Table

Adding orange zest to baked goods enhances flavor without altering ingredient ratios. However, over-zesting can result in bitterness due to pith, the white layer beneath the skin.
When zesting, only the outer layer is desired for its citrusy aroma. Grating too deeply into the peel snags the pith, which can dominate the flavor and lead to bitterness.
In addition to cakes, orange zest has versatile applications in sweets and savories. It can elevate pumpkin pie crust, amplify flavors in bread pudding, or enhance hot chocolate.
Proper zesting technique is crucial: rotate the orange while zesting, ensuring you only take the flavorful peel and avoid the bitter white pith that lies beneath.
Read at Tasting Table