The Marinade Ingredient That Can Give Your Steak A Mushy Texture - Tasting Table

To enhance steak flavors, marinades are key; however, fresh ginger can damage the meat's texture due to its enzymes. Chef Michael Taus warns that raw ginger can create a mushy outcome if meat is soaked too long. The enzyme zingibain, present in gingers, breaks down meat fibers, similar to bromelain in pineapples. When preparing a ginger marinade, cooking the ginger neutralizes these enzymes, allowing the desired flavor without compromising texture, ensuring a juicy, satisfying steak without the risk of mushiness.
Leave your steak soaking in raw ginger juice for too long could lead to something closer to meat pudding instead of a juicy, tender cut.
The enzymes in ginger can over-tenderize the meat, leading to a mushy texture if left too long.
After it's been cooked or treated, the enzyme is deactivated and no longer poses a problem.
The simplest approach is to cook the ginger first. When the root is heated to 158 degrees Fahrenheit, the zingibain is neutralized.
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