"Absinthe, known as the green fairy, was banned by French officials in 1915 for almost 100 years. But now it is enjoying a resurgence in popularity in the UK."
"Mixologist Ryan Chetiyawardana... said: The absinthe boom is definitely happening all over. Bartenders have been very keen to revive it and showcase how important a part of a cocktail cabinet it is."
"Max Venning... has also found that customers have a new appetite for absinthe. Their venues' cocktail menu features the sazzaquack, which has rooibos-infused lemon absinthe as one of its ingredients."
"The hallucinogenic effects of the spirit, which can be about 70% alcohol, were likely overstated, but the revival at the turn of the 21st century spurred by changes in EU laws on beverages played into that mythology."